Monday 31 August 2009

Day 24 – 30th August

I am writing the last two days after having slept for only 5 hours after a 24 hour shift. Sorry if they make no sense!

So in the end the CTD section turned out to be longer than we expected and we didn’t finally crawl into bed till 8.45am. Pretty much a 24 hour shift! I woke up again at 2.30 pm and spent a somewhat jaded afternoon processing the new CTD data and running a few calibration checks between the three different CTDs that have been used this trip. As a lot of the sections have data from more than one CTD we needed to be sure that they were recording the same values. If one CTD was always over estimating a parameter it would have to be taken into account when the data is finally processed back at the labs.

Whilst we were sleeping, the rest of the team deployed a new mooring containing both an ADCP and ice profiling sonar. They then began to pack up and clear everything off the decks back into the two shipping containers that we brought on board as the electronics lab and mooring construction workshop/CTD operation lab.

After a few drinks in the bar, most people got an early bed ready for the busy day of packing tomorrow as we depart the ship on the first.

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